Your Houseplants May Be Gasping for Air!

Nobody likes dusting. I once heard a saying "Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, I don't dust because it might be someone I know!" My least favorite chore is dusting. I'm pretty sure my husband disapproves of my dusting. My style is a quick swipe (I know I should move things)! I do get into the nitty gritty dusting now and again. It's good for you and your family to keep dust at a minimum, especially in the winter when we spend so much time in the house.

However, if you're a keeper of houseplants, you should know that humans and pets aren't the only ones "breathing" in the air in your house. Your houseplants breathe through their leaves and if they're covered with dust, they're choking!

Here's a fun Home Ericanomics fact: You might not know that my full time job is teaching science to junior high and high school students! Hang on, you're about to get a mini science lesson on plants! Did you know that plants' leaves are porous? That's right! They have holes in them to take in gases. Plants breathe through their leaves so they can do photosynthesis to make food. While plants take in the air to enjoy the carbon dioxide part, they release the oxygen byproduct of photosynthesis. It's a great relationship we have with plants, since we like the oxygen and get rid of the carbon dioxide. 

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So, to keep plants healthy, you've got to make sure the leaves are free and clear of dust and residue. If you can see dust, it's time for a bath. If it's summer and my plants sometimes get a rinse in a warm gentle rain. In the winter, I put a few in my shower when they need a good watering anyways and spray them down. Some websites suggesting wiping each leaf down with a cotton round, but as they say, "Ain't nobody got time for that!".

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Now, what if you have a lot of succulents or cacti or plants that are very delicate? You might need to be a bit more careful with those plants. A soft bristled paint or makeup brush can get in the crevices of a cactus and not leave you injuries! According to "3 Good Reasons to Clean Your Houseplants-And How To Do It", author Alexa Erickson advises how to clean mildly dusty plants to downright dirty ones. In some cases, it's ok to use a little bit of diluted soap. She recommends not using leaf shine sprays, which don't really clean the plant and open up those pores. I was also surprised to read in this article that pests tend to take up residence in plants that are not healthy and clean. 

Now, go take a look at those plants, run your finger down a leaf and do what you've got to do! Thanks for reading the blog. Check out the Home Ericanomics facebook page for more tips and tricks. You can also follow this blog via email by signing up at the big green button on the main page. 
