Spring Cleaning Checklist!

This is the time of year we all have cabin fever and are ready for some fresh air. I don't know about you, but I get impatient about getting outside. There will be plenty of work to do when the ice and snow melts, so now is the time to funnel that spring cleaning itch into some indoor projects.

Here are some ideas for spring cleaning projects that you might not have thought about (just in time for the weekend)

  1. Vacuum your mattress! You don't want to know what's in there!
  2. Dust above doorways. The upper molding collects a lot of stuff.
  3. Wash a few curtains. I found some dust bunnies hiding up there!
  4. Give your houseplants a bath (ok, even the fake ones might need a wash too)
  5. Vacuum out the register vent openings (take a look at the furnace filter while you're at it!)
  6. Vacuum out cold air returns way up high with the vacuum extension wand.
  7. Reorganized under the kitchen sink
  8. Clean out that junk drawer (we all have them).
  9. Take your narrowest vacuum attachment and clean out the dryer vent
Happy Spring everyone! Thank you for following Home Ericanomics! You can follow the blog by subscribing using the big green button on the blog's home page. All of the blogs are always posted to the facebook page too!
